In Word on the PC you can click in a paragraph or select a paragraph or two (or even a row in a table) and move it up and down the document using Shift + Alt + Up Arrow of Shift + Alt + Down Arrow.
Accessing your Microsoft Word documents has never been easier. Create Word documents from your Mac. Complete with lots of templates to choose from. Word for Mac Features:. Create Word documents. Choose from lots of professional templates. Save your docs online to work with other apps and devices. Easily access your documents on the go. Microsoft Word For Mac; Microsoft Word Download For Mac; Download Microsoft Word 2015 For Mac For Free Windows 7; Today, MS Word can be found on all modern operating systems (such as Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android), and in several forms, including standalone release, Office 365 suite, MS Office Suite, and freeware viewer. Microsoft 365 for Mac. Do your best work with Office apps in Microsoft 365—anywhere, anytime, with anyone. For home For business Get Office apps for Mac. Start quickly with the most recent versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive —combining the familiarity of Office and the unique Mac features you love. Word; Microsoft 365 and Office; Search Community member; Search Search the Community. Tell us about your experience with our site. Created on February 14, 2016. Office for Mac 2015 How can I change the color of the background screen on either side of the document (in Print Layout) in MS Word for Mac.
Sadly on the Mac this doesn't work the same. The Mac keystroke is a little different – press Shift + Control + Up Arrow or Shift + Control + Down Arrow. So far so good – problem is that these are the exact same keystrokes that display Mission Control and Application Windows on the Mac so they don't work. Warcraft 3 black screen fix. That is until you fix them to work.
Now I don't use Mission Control at all so I have no need to go backwards and forwards between Mission Control and Application Windows and, worse still, I often hit those keys by mistake so I can easily live without this shortcut. Turns out, if you disable that Mac default shortcut then the Word one works.
To do this, launch System Preferences and select Keyboard > Shortcuts. You need to disable two options here – Mission Control and Application Windows so deselect the two checkboxes and close the window. That's all there is to it. Now the keyboard shortcuts Shift + Control + Up Arrow and Shift + Control + Down Arrow work just fine in Word for the Mac.
It's the small things that put the biggest smile on my face. This is a small change but I use it every day and I love it – hope it works for you too!
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